Article I: Name

Section 1.
This organization shall be known as the Postal Customer Council of Kentuckiana.

Article II: Mission Statement

Section 1.
The objectives of the Postal Customer Council of Kentuckiana are to provide:

-  A forum for business customers and local Postal Service managers to resolve postal issues of mutual concern.
-  A chance for mailers to meet and discuss areas of common interest.
-  Education for industry members in using Postal Service products, programs, and services to their best advantage.

Article III: Membership

Section 1.
Membership is open to all postal customers-including commercial mailers, organizations, services bureaus, and individuals-who use the services of the Postal Service within the sponsoring postal manager’s geographic area. Employees of the Postal Service shall be recognized as associate members only.

Article IV: Dues, Contributions & Donations

Section 1.
The PCC may solicit from the members voluntary annual dues that should not exceed fifty dollars. These dues can help define the membership list. Per-activity contributions may also be solicited and be based on expenses projected in the PCC’s annual budgets.

These dues and contributions are used to cover the cost of activities and education for the members as a whole (such as training seminars, a newsletter, and meetings). No one should be exclude from participation in the PCC because of the inability to make donations or contributions.

The PCC is not intended to operate as a profit-making organization. The PCC is to function on a break-even basis, not create a substantial treasury for future activities. The PCC funds may be used only for activities directly related to the PCC objectives described above.

Section 2.
The Board of Directors shall be authorized to solicit occasional contributions from members to defray necessary normal expenses and assist in underwriting special programs when approved by the Board of Directors.

Article V: Officers

Section 1.
The officers of this organization shall be a Chairperson, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and not over five (5) directors.
All of the above shall comprise the Board of Directors.
After the President’s term, he/she shall serve the following term as Co-Chair of the Board.

Section 2.
The Postmaster and/or his representative will attend all meetings and shall represent the United States Postal Service as Co-Chair.

Section 3.
The Chairman, if present, shall preside at all meeting of this organization. In his/her absence, the President shall preside.

Section 4.
The President shall preside over all general meetings. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall preside.
Any other Board of Director member may preside by consent of the Board if both the Vice President and President are absent.

Section 5.
The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all meetings.

Section 6.
The Treasurer shall maintain records of all moneys received, and account for all moneys paid out for approved disbursements authorized by the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Nominations and Elections

Section 1.
Nominations and election of officers shall be held at an official Board meeting whenever necessary for election to office.
A majority of Board members must be present to hold an official meeting.

Section 2.
Membership of the Board of Directors shall represent a reasonable cross section of diverse industry and shall stand for election every year

Section 3.
Nominations for the Board of Directors shall be conducted prior to the elections at the general meeting from a nominee slate selected by a Nominating Committee and nominations received from the floor.

Section 4.
Annual election to the Board of Directors will be by General Membership vote conducted at the year-end General Meeting.

Section 5.
Directors will serve a minimum of a two (2) year term.

Section 6.
Nominees may run for each or any officer position and for any of the standing director positions.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1.
Amendments to these by-laws must be by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.
The membership shall be advised no less than 30 days prior to the final consideration of changes, additions or deletions of these by-laws by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII: General Meetings

Section 1.
A general meeting will be held a minimum of four (4) times annually at times and locations established by the Board of Directors.

Article IX: Committees

Section 1.
Standing Committees will meet quarterly and will report at each general meeting.
A committee report from each standing committee will be made by the committee chair or his/her representative at each board meeting.

Section 2.
These committees consist of an Education, Communication, Program, Membership and Special Events.

Article X: Proceedings

Section 1.
The proceedings of the organization where not covered by the by-laws of this organization, shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article XI: Distribution of Assets in the Event of Dissolution

Section 1.
In the event the Postal Customer Council of Kentuckiana is dissolved, the assets shall be converted to cash and distributed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.