Article VI: Nominations and Elections
Section 1.
Nominations and election of officers shall be held at an official Board meeting whenever necessary for election to office.
A majority of Board members must be present to hold an official meeting.
Section 2.
Membership of the Board of Directors shall represent a reasonable cross section of diverse industry and shall stand for election every year
Section 3.
Nominations for the Board of Directors shall be conducted prior to the elections at the general meeting from a nominee slate selected by a Nominating Committee and nominations received from the floor.
Section 4.
Annual election to the Board of Directors will be by General Membership vote conducted at the year-end General Meeting.
Section 5.
Directors will serve a minimum of a two (2) year term.
Section 6.
Nominees may run for each or any officer position and for any of the standing director positions.
By-Laws - Article VI - Nominations and Elections
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